I know what you’re probably thinking… Outdoor Shower Curtain Cushions? What in the world? The story goes like this: I was needing to find some fabric to make cushions for a Shabby 3 piece, rod-iron settee, when I got this incredible idea! Since the settee will be on the front porch, I knew that it […]
DIY Sidewalk Luminaries
Here is a great Craft By Photo original idea for how to make DIY Sidewalk Luminaries! For a few Dollar Store items, you can create a lasting, light effect for a wedding, a party, or just celebrating a special day. Follow the arrows to see the steps needed to create your own special DIY Sidewalk […]
Stained Glass Paper Maché
The kids will go CRAZY for this project called Stained Glass Paper Maché! The combination of balloons, tissue paper, and a gooey mess will keep them busy for…well, for a long time! The final product is quite pleasing for viewing in a sunlit window. Actually, they turn out quite beautiful! If you have multiple kids […]
DIY Barbie Purse
Barbie lovers everywhere, hear ye hear ye! DIY Barbie Purse photo craft tutorial is in the house! Barbie loves accessories! The best part of this Barbie craft is the fact that you get to use decorator Duct Tape! Not only is Barbie the coolest, but Duct Tape crafts are hot, Hot, HOT! When I was […]
Fabric Bleach Art
Fabric Bleach Art is a DIY craft project. It requires using a pencil to apply some bleach to fabric. Believe it or not, this pencil will NOT be used to write in this project, it will be used to erase! Color will not be applied to the fabric. Color will be removed in order to create […]