I know what you’re probably thinking… Outdoor Shower Curtain Cushions? What in the world? The story goes like this: I was needing to find some fabric to make cushions for a Shabby 3 piece, rod-iron settee, when I got this incredible idea! Since the settee will be on the front porch, I knew that it […]
DIY Sidewalk Luminaries
Here is a great Craft By Photo original idea for how to make DIY Sidewalk Luminaries! For a few Dollar Store items, you can create a lasting, light effect for a wedding, a party, or just celebrating a special day. Follow the arrows to see the steps needed to create your own special DIY Sidewalk […]
Stained Glass Paper Maché
The kids will go CRAZY for this project called Stained Glass Paper Maché! The combination of balloons, tissue paper, and a gooey mess will keep them busy for…well, for a long time! The final product is quite pleasing for viewing in a sunlit window. Actually, they turn out quite beautiful! If you have multiple kids […]
Tree Stump Tables
You can make something really cool by recycling just about anything! Here is a DIY tutorial on how to make some really “swag” side tables out of precut tree stumps. Tree Stump Tables is a tutorial that will walk you through making some side tables that will be the topic of conversation of every guest. […]
Clothes Pin Flower Planters For Mom
Here is a quick and easy Mother’s Day gift idea for the kiddos to make for Mom! Clothes Pin Flower Planters For Mom can be made in just a few minutes, so LISTEN UP, DADS! Get your kids these supplies, a small potted plant from your local market and you’re in business! Now, for the […]