Step #2: The next thing you need to decide is, what design you wish to create. I wanted to put a smiley face in the middle of the t-shirt with the saying “Have a Blessed Day!”. I would not even THINK about free-handing a circle, so I found a plastic plate just the size I wanted in my kitchen cabinet. I placed it exactly where I wanted it. I made sure that my skin was protected from the harsh bleach by putting a glove on my writing hand. I traced around the plate with the bleach pen. Carefully, I lifted the plate off of the t-shirt and rinsed it in the sink. At this point, I needed to think about how I wanted the phrase, “Have a Blessed Day!” to look on the shirt. NOTE: Just a hint of wisdom, I found out that bleach pens, as well as regular bleach, have an expiration date! My advice is to have a fresh bleach pen for optimal results. I had no idea that after a certain amount of time, bleach could go bad and not do its bleaching job!